Friday 17 January 2014

Human Sexuality- Film Analysis on movie “Shame” (2011)- APA

Human Sexuality


Film Analysis on movie “Shame” (2011)
Film Summary
The film “Shame” is a drama film that is British. Steve McQueen is the director of the film, with Carey Mulligan and Michael Fassbender being the starring in the movie. The film was co-produced by Sea-Saw Films and Film4 and was rated NC-17 in the United States of America due to the sexual addictions that eventually resulted as a result of the films explicitly sexual scenes. The film was opened on a limited release in America on 2nd of December the year 2011.
In the film, Michael Fassbender stars as Brandon Sullivan. Brandon is a guy whose sexual proclivities seem to be insatiable and extreme. He is a man who is addicted to prostitution, has his computer filled with pornographic content and is always in masturbation blissfully. Sexual lust, masturbation and pornography have totally taken over Brandon’s life and he is isolated totally without any close friends. Brandon’s boss, David is a married man. James Badge is the guy who plays the role of David. David is found of hitting on the chicks like breathing in a second manner. “Shame” makes one understand why Brandon’s time is spent so much on sex. Brandon’s relationship with his sibling Sissy who is singer by aspiration creates another twist. Sissy is unreserved ant went to an extreme end of showing up at Brandon’s apartment without notice went to the shower and stepped out t greet Brandon on his arrival back.
Through covering few days of Brandon’s life, author MacQueen allows for the development of the relationship of the character hence deflating before the eyes of the viewers. Brandon’s date with Marianne, a coworker, creates a further connection as Fassbender seems to squirm a little. In fact, Brandon seems not to be too sure about the date or whether it is a plan for another sex, leaving the viewers in suspense.
Critical Analysis
The film ‘Shame’ is a movie that is very controversial. Consequently, the film has merit or value that must be given to it. However, the level of sexual abuse and trauma that is exhibited in the film cannot be ignored. This is especially based on adolescent sexual abuse and the effects that are caused by such actions to the lives of individuals. Brandon’s life is full of lack of intimacy as exhibited by the “I want your love” subtitles, forming the basis of the narrative and sound track. Addiction to drugs and sex is viral in the film. Throughout the film, there is no exhibition of the working of the diseases on Brandon’s life.
MacQueen in his movie uses copious nudity of both male and female to prove its braveness. However, this does not mean that the performance by Fassbender or Mulligan lacks the necessary focus.
The film ‘Shame’ focuses mainly on the life of man who is embattled with the acceptance of his addiction to sex. Brandon gets desperate every day as he tries to suppress his sexual urge. This urge of having sex takes over his life and controls him completely. The theme of sexuality is dominant in the film ‘Shame’. Brandon feels guilty and bad about his sexual actions and struggles to hide his sexual urges. This condition makes him struggle daily and he gets it very hard to be like the other people who are around him. Subsequently, the sexual situation he is in gets out of hand when his sister arrives. Sissy appears at his house and requests if they can stay together. At this juncture, there is the rise of tensions attached to sexual desires. Brandon eventually drowns in the sexual addiction and ultimate shame. He ends p affecting the lives of the people who greatly care for him. (Coconi, 2013)
Themes presented
Social alienation strongly presents itself in the film. Right from the start of the film, there is an outright alienation where Brandon seeks to be separated from the other people in the movie. He struggles very hard to distance himself from the rest of the people in the film. The distance in the film is further exhibited by the long, lingering shots and the soundtrack which basically show the level of social alienation. The audience is left to watch and judge the film and everything that is happening in the movie. This alienation is as a result of the addiction of Brandon. Sex addiction is generally frowned upon by various people of the society. Brandon has a constant feeling that he is different from other people in the film and that everything he does seems to be wrong. An instance of alienation is when Brandon sits in a room and then someone tells him, “I find you disgusting. I find you inconsolable. I find you invasive.” The zooming of the camera takes us to a meeting where Brandon is sited and the boss is speaking about a topic that seems irrelevant according to Brandon. Brandon seems to have a lot of fear on hearing the words at the meeting. The author, MacQueen, at one point becomes open and tells the audience of Brandon’s paranoid and shame and even indicates the fact that those around Brandon are likely to find about his own state of mind. (Cladwel, 2009)
Accuracy of the themes.
Sexual addiction is used to refer to the urge, thoughts and behaviors that are usually exhibited by an individual, driving him towards wanting sex or engaging in sexual activities. Scientists view sexual addiction as a sexual behavior that is compulsive. Sex addiction affects the social alienation of an individual. The ability of an individual to function normally is reduced. Medical experts, clinical sexologists, psychologists among other experts have indicated that sex addiction is a psychological and physiological addiction. This can greatly lead to destruction of an individual.  The film has masturbation, intercourse and nudity. The accuracy of the theme can be said to have been achieved. Basing on what Brandon feels the extent of sexual addiction’s effect is exhibited. Brandon’s relationship with his sister and other people close to him is difficult, a proof to the fact that sexual addiction is destructive.
Film Messages
The film uses a cold color wonderfully portraying the general mood in the story. The director aims to portray the feelings of Brandon in a manner that is very subtle. The style of shooting is that full of melancholy and beauty. The main point of the film is to bring out the effects of sexual addiction and social alienations to an individual. The purpose is to illustrate the extent to which addiction to sex and being socially alienated can cause more damage and shame.
Implicitly, the film portrays the extent to which sexual addiction can drive one, using Brandon as a case study. Explicitly, the idea of sexuality, masturbation and the urge for sex is exhibited. The messages in the film seem negative though there is some positivity. For instance, by Brandon masturbating to satisfy his sexual desires, there is a negative message sent to the audience.
The message in the film seems to be in contravention with the societal ethics and norms. The sex scenes have been too much. The themes and concept presented in the film are those of sexuality and sex.

Caldwel, (2009). Cinema Autopsy: Film reviews and discussion. Link:


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