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Sunday 29 September 2013

International marketing

  International marketing is also referred to as global marketing. This is the marketing that that is done by various companies, covering beyond national borders and overseas. Companies use this marketing technique extensively while having a base in the home country. International marketing include identifying the markets and target customers, marketing mix, strategic decisions among others. This is a multidimensional process that amalgamates various marketing aspects including planning, distribution and advertising, promotion of goods, ideas and services on an international platform. (Nnis15)
Brand naming
                    A brand name includes the term, name, symbol, design and other factors and features that a company uses to identify itself to the customers.  Brand name is always vital in making the difference between the companies from other companies. Through proper branding, a company is able to register higher sales of its main product and other products that are associated with the company.
                    James Bond has been in the light of international marketing through the brand name ‘James Bond’. This has been achieved by the brand name James Bond. The code name associated to James Bond (007) has risen above national boundaries. The application of the James Bond brand has penetrated through into guns, vehicles and gadget manufacturing. This has seen the brand become popular in novels and short story collections. James Bond has been an international brand and this is the reason as to why other products associated to this brand name have gotten equal popularity including movies, plays and other products.
James Bond as a global brand name
                    James Bond as a brand name has been globalized. Initially drawn as a central figure by Ian Fleming in his works, James Bond was out brought as an officer who was very intelligent in his time in the Secret Intelligence Service. From this perspective, James Bond brand name has swept across different fields worldwide. This is evident by the level of love that people have toward related products globally. This has been so because James Bond has a personality that identifies well with all its products. This global brand has managed to create other associations like feelings, thoughts, images, beliefs, attitudes and perceptions in peoples’ minds about the brand and its products globally. People have learnt to relate the agent of the British Secret Agent (James Bond) to mysteries and interesting things thus the popularity of the brand name in radio, television, video games and comic strips.
Maximizing the global potential
                    The global market potential can be maximized to play to the advantage of a company. For instance, James Bond being an already global brand can explore other products and service delivery using the brand name. This can be done through marketing of things like clothes, cars and furniture using the already established brand name globally. In this manner, all the subsequent products associated with the global brand name will be viewed to have the same efficiency and be as interesting as the actual brand name. However, in their quest to maximize the global market potential, companies including the James Bond creators have to consider the dichotomy of standardization and adaptation. In this manner, there is need to be socially responsible and meet the global marker’s set standards.
                    The brand name James Bond has managed to be a global brand name and is still in a position of possible maximization of that global market status. Through this branding, the James Bond creators have a wide opportunity and advantages of further making profits out of the popular brand through adequate international marketing. In their quest to exploit this potential, it is inevitable that the standardization and adaptation are observed.
Work cited
Nnis, Robert. International Branding- An Internationalization Approach on the Marketing Level.  Norderstredt: GRIN Verlag. 2007. Print.